Friday, September 17, 2010

Class of 2010

When you first step foot onto the beautiful campus of The University of Oklahoma, you are usually a confused, excited, anxious young adult that just completed 13 years of mandatory school. Now, you are most likely choosing (on your own) to continue school for 4 more years to get a bachelor's degree in some sort of area that you are hopefully interested enough in that you enjoy some of the classes. They even give you a shirt that first year that says "University of Oklahoma Class of '10." So from this shirt, they assume you'll graduate in 4 years. They also hand out free shirts that say "Think 15". This is to help you get in the mindset of taking at least 15 hours a semester to graduate in 4 years. However, I was never prepared by anyone or any program to know for sure what I wanted to major in. So of course, after a full year and 30 credit hours later, I changed my major. I have completely enjoyed the past 3 & 1/2 years in my education classes and that leads to my exciting statement: I am graduating in December! (It's still Class of '10)  

This semester is cramming a lot it. I have two field experiences. One is at an inner-city elementary in OKC and one is in a suburban elementary in Norman. The two are very same and different, but I am learning things from them both. Organizing the hours I need to observe and juggling homework and class is quite a task, but I truly enjoy having a schedule and being in a routine. I also will be substitute teaching again this semester. I'm excited to sub for the people I know, I feel that subbing in the same classroom over time helps a lot. 

I'm back to cleaning the offices and working for my mom and I'm done taking my antibiotic.
Korey's flag football started this week as well. It's football time in Oklahoma and I can wear pants that button. 

Life is finally normal again

As soon as life is normal, as soon as you can breathe and you are comfortable with all aspects of what God has placed in front of you - that's usually when he changes things up!  So as much as I say life is normal again... well He's decided to change things up. Never a dull moment. 

In normalcy, dull moments, and the rare times they come around - My chief end will be to glorify the One that died to set me free. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rainy Days = Hot Chocolate w/ Marshmallows

Glorifying God even when drinking hot chocolate...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I had a freaking blast today in my technology class! I learned how to make a wordle! So amazing! You can make it off of a blog. So I typed in this blog address and it made this wordle. The bigger words in the wordle are words used more frequently in the blog. It's just an awesome site and I really enjoyed it.
glorify GOD in your wordles... :) He is one of my bigger words!