Monday, July 5, 2010

one down & forever to go

Korey and I celebrated our ONE YEAR of marriage two weekends ago. It was such a fantastic day. We slept in - extremely late. Then had lunch at Ozzie's Diner - fantastic little place in the Norman Airport.
Then we let that yummy food settle for a bit by laying on the couch with the puppa before we went swimming! 

Then off to a great night starting with dinner at PF Chang's - only halted for a moment on 235-N by a cop pulling me over - but no worries - he only gave me a verbal warning! 

Had some tasty tuxedo cheesecake at my parents' house. It was the same kind we had at our wedding reception in OK.

Then over to Bricktown for a canal ride and a movie at Harkins. Lovely evening to celebrate one year down and forever to go of marriage!
The ABSOLUTE chief end of our marriage... is to glorify Christ -- for marriage is the greatest display of the gospel - Christ's love for his Church. 


  1. Congrats you two!! Wishing you many more years filled with happiness as you bless and are a blessing to one another and those around you! -Mitchell and Katherine

  2. Aww thank you!!! Same to you as you venture into a new life in Texas! That's such an adventure and may you grow closer as your grow deeper! :)
