Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cha Cha Cha Changes...

As life goes on, changes are made. Sometimes changes are inevitable, unwanted, and uncontrollable. Some changes however, are by choice and made with much thought and prayer. As of today, we have a new roommate. Brandon (the murderer of our dear spider friend TIBS from a past post and dear friend of Korey's) has moved out and a another dear friend of Korey's has moved in. I know some people think it odd that we as a newlywed couple have a roommate. It has allowed us to live in a lovely home for a lot cheaper and have someone around when Waldo needs a dogsitter! :)  Our new roommate is currently cleaning his carpets and painting his walls to his wonderful 10 by 10 room that exists behind our kitchen in our lovely duplex. Jeff is a great guy and happens to be the friend that Korey will be driving to Fort Worth on Mondays with in the fall. It'll be helpful for him to be living in the same house when they have to awake at 4:30am to make it to their 8am class at Southwestern in Tejas!  Change is not always welcome, wanted, or chosen... but this change was a choice made with much thought and very much looked forward to. We are glad for Jeff to now be part of our home and I look forward to his girlfriend Haley being over here more! :)

Another change that is being made with much thought and prayer is my pursuit of a Masters. It just keeps coming up and keeps coming back to me. I have been looking at an online program through UTA (University of Texas @ Arlington). They have full masters programs online. I'm thinking that I could start this in the spring with a class or two while I am student teaching. Sounds crazy, but if it's possible, it sounds like the best idea. I've looked at some programs at the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky, but they aren't online programs and could be more difficult to start after getting there on top of trying to find a job. If any one knows of any other Masters (in Education) options, feel free to let me know!

May God be the chief end of any changes...

1 comment:

  1. Are you getting your Masters in Early Childhood or Elementary Ed or what?
